
A spirit of family
Maison Godard proudly represents her territory in the universe of gastronomy. Maison GODARD, founded in 1978 by Alain and Michèle Godard, then joined by their children Pascal and Annabel, remains faithful to the ambition fixed back then: associating the respect of traditions to the pleasure in all good things, and that in a family atmosphere.

Located in Gourdon, a medieval village inside the Quercy-Périgord region, our family is entirely dedicated to a real epicurean passion. Always in accordance with quality and authenticity our family prepares from the best raw materials from our region: foie gras, specialities with foie gras, confits, pâtés and ready made-meals.

Godard stands as well for Chambon & Marrel

Passionate for culinary art, Alain Godard met the truffle on his way when he crossed the destiny of Maison Chambon & Marrel, one of the oldest merchant of truffles, which supplied Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia in 1911. There, truffles, truffle juices and truffle sauces are skillfully prepared. Since the takeover of the truffle company by Alain Godard in 1992, Maison Godard has pursued her fascinating adventure inside another prestigious market: the trade of truffles. The truffle master shapes the Black Diamond from the Causse and invites you to the marvelous world of Gastronomy.

Let’s your friends discover the unique fragrance and the entrancing aroma of Black Winter Truffles or Summer Truffles

Our quality comitment
Maison Godard has been one of the pioneers to ensure a Southwest France origin for her duck and goose foie gras. Maison Godard’s quality commitment gives you the assurance that her foie gras come exclusively from ducks and geese, which are fed with maize by talented “gaveurs” in the South-West of France. In 1999, Maison Godard obtained the so called IGP (Protected Geographic Identification) certification scheme and today it is one of the latest companies in the foie gras industry to still offer exclusively duck foies gras from Southwest France and goose foie gras from the Périgord.

What does IGP stand for ?
Through the IGP (Protected Geographic Identification) certification scheme, the European Union encourages farmers to produce products of given quality and of a high reputation. This standard ensures a strict quality commitment that is controlled by national certification bodies. The IGP certification trademark ensures to consumers a complete tracability of these delicate products.

With the IGP trademark (Protected Geographical Identification), you have the guarantee that regional agricultural products have been elaborated according to strict rules which comply with EU quality standards: It is a genuine pledge for quality that is meant to guide you in your buying activities.

That trademark gives you the warranty that:
– Ducks are fed with maize.
– Raised and fed in the Périgord region or in Southwest France.
– Slaughtered, cut and prepared in the Périgord region or in Southwest France.
This perfect traceability of our products strongly contributes to the excellent reputation of our Maison.
Quality from the beginning
All our gastronomic specialities are prepared with the freshest raw agricultural commodities according to oldest recipes, which are the heritage of the gastronomic know-how of our region.
“Quality Producer” recognized by the Collège culinaire de France
Because SAS GODARD-CHAMBON-MARREL has decided for a long time to transmit the values of her gastronomic heritage, because she shares the traditions of her territory, because she has become the ambassador of the culinary diversity of her region and the guarantor of the quality and the traceability of her used raw materials, she has become the first company of the Foie gras industry of Midi-Pyrénées to have been recognized “Quality producer ” by the Collège culinaire de France.

Because the members of the Collège Culinaire de France firmly believes ” that we cannot make any Grande Cuisine without quality raw materials ” and after the success of the quality label ” Quality Restaurant ” to promote the savoir faire of quality restaurants, they launched the new quality label “Quality Producer” that involves a quality link between quality producers and quality restaurants.

The national agricultural food show, Concours Général Agricole
Established in 1993, the Concours Général Agricole aims to select and reward the best French products and the best breeding stock. Because it is organized under the control of the state and follows a rigorous and preset selection process, the Concours Général Agricole is known for its impartiality and the value of the results.

Year after year, the French Ministry of Agriculture defines the rules of the Concours and its regional agents come physically in the manufacturing plants to take the samples that will compete.

It is raining awards at the national agricultural food show in Paris (Concours Général Agricole)

Our company has been rewarded 68 times since 1993. At the latest edition, Maison Godard obtained 7 new awards which symbolize the rarely equaled level of excellence of our products that every member of our family business welcomes with great satisfaction.

Different types of foie gras
The Whole Foie Gras: a lobe or a part of a lobe. The noblest product you can ever find. It is universally enjoyed by connoisseurs who appreciate its authenticity.
The Block of Foie Gras with Pieces is a harmonious marriage of pieces of lobes and smooth textured foie gras. With this excellent “foie gras”, you would celebrate birthdays or family gatherings.

The Block of Foie Gras is a smooth textured fine paste, to savour and enjoy to your heart’s content… Why would you resist it?